Design Project: Audio Tone Control

AC Electric Circuits

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  • Question 1

    Suppose you were installing a high-power stereo system in your car, and you wanted to build a simple filter for the “tweeter” (high-frequency) speakers so that no bass (low-frequency) power is wasted in these speakers. Modify the schematic diagram below with a filter circuit of your choice:

    Hint: this only requires a single component per tweeter!

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  • Question 2

    Examine the following schematic diagram for an audio tone control circuit:

    Determine which potentiometer controls the bass (low frequency) tones and which controls the treble (high frequency) tones, and explain how you made those determinations.

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  • Question 3

    Note: when testing the frequency response of the tone control circuit, you may need to replace the headphones with a non-inductive resistor of equivalent impedance, and measure Vout across it.

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  • Question 4

    Note: when testing the frequency response of the tone control circuit, you may need to replace the transformer/speaker assembly with a non-inductive resistor of equivalent impedance, and measure Vout across it.

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