Industry White Paper

Thermal Management in Silicon Carbide (SiC) Designs

May 23, 2023 by onsemi
Topics Covered
  • Semiconductor Losses
  • Thermal Management Implications
  • Total Cost of SiC−based Power Systems

White Paper Overview 

Silicon Carbide (SiC)-based switches allow you operate at higher temperatures and frequencies with lower losses to deliver solutions that are not only more efficient and reliable but also smaller.

With a typical high power conversion in focus, this white paper compares the characteristics of Silicon (Si) IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs. The paper shows how the small chip size of onsemi’s 1,200 V and 900 V N-channel EliteSiC MOSFETs, and their reduced gate charge, Miller (Crss) charge, and output (Coss) parasitic capacitor charge help with high-frequency operation. Learn about thermal management requirements from SiC-based devices and the two approaches available to address them.