Printed Circuit Board Layout and Manufacture

Analog Integrated Circuits

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  • Question 1

    When a PCB designer speaks of dimensions in thous or mils, what does he or she mean?

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  • Question 2

    An important parameter when specifying traces on printed circuit boards is the ounce rating of the copper used. “1 ounce” copper is very common for general-purpose work. Explain how this “ounce” rating is defined, and why you might want to use “2 ounce” or “4 ounce” copper instead of “1 ounce” for certain traces on your board designs.

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  • Question 3

    What is the difference between a pad and a via?

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  • Question 4

    What are blind and buried vias, compared to normal vias?

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  • Question 5

    Compare and contrast these three techniques for printed circuit board soldering:

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  • Question 6

    A solder mask is a very important feature on professional-quality printed circuit boards. Explain what a solder mask is, and why it is so important.

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  • Question 7

    Professionally manufactured printed circuit boards almost never have bare copper exposed, but rather coat it with some other material. Sometimes the coating is tin, while other times the solder mask serves as a coating. Explain why it is important to coat the copper on a high-quality PCB.

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