Fixed-Point Cascaded FIR Filter

Fixed-Point Cascaded FIR Filter


Category: DSP Core

Created: May 21, 2015

Updated: January 27, 2020

Language: Verilog

Other project properties

Development Status: Alpha

WishBone compliant: No

WishBone version: n/a

License: LGPL


FIR filter
- architecture written with pure verilog
- parameterizable in verilog code
- cascaded - processing is paralleled
- data and coefficients stored in RAM - suitable for long pulse response FIR and limited registers count
- complex data
- fixed point
* load coefficient from input data as option - for echo/sonar/radar/etc processing

FPGA resources using


Altera Cyclone IV E EP4CE22E22C8

Parameters of filter

Input data width 14 b, 2 channels
Pulse response length 2048 samples
Cell size 1024 (2 cells for 2048 samples used)
Output data width 28 b, 2 channels


Resources usage

Total logic elements 840
- Total combinational functions 558
- Dedicated logic registers 537
Total registers 537
Total memory bits 114,688
Embedded Multiplier 9-bit elements 20