Potato Processor - Simple RISC-V Processor for use in FPGA Designs

Potato Processor - Simple RISC-V Processor for use in FPGA Designs


Category: Processor

Created: April 08, 2015

Updated: January 27, 2020

Language: VHDL

Other project properties

Development Status: Alpha

Additional info: Design done, FPGA proven

WishBone compliant: Yes

WishBone version: n/a

License: BSD


Development of the Potato Processor has moved to GitHub, check it out on https://github.com/skordal/potato

Notable features are:

  • Supports the full RV32I subset of the RISC-V ISA, version 2.0.
  • Supports machine mode as defined by the RISC-V supervisor extensions, version 1.7.
  • Provides support for handling up to 8 IRQs without needing a separate interrupt controller.
  • Single-cycle execution of all instructions except memory load/store.
  • Includes a Wishbone compatible interface for integration into Wishbone-based systems.

The processor has been tested on a Nexys 4 board from Digilent. The design used for testing is included in the source distribution, with instructions on how to get it up and running.