Versatile Counter - Binary, Gray, or LSFR Counter

Versatile Counter - Binary, Gray, or LSFR Counter


Category: Arithmetic Core

Created: March 27, 2009

Updated: January 27, 2020

Language: Verilog

Other project properties

Development Status: Stable

Additional info: Design done, FPGA proven, Specification done

WishBone compliant: No

WishBone version: n/a

License: LGPL



A versatile counter that can be defined as a binary, gray or LFSR counter. Usage include baudrate generator, address generator for FIFO and much more.


As a user you edit a define file to make the counter fit your project demands. You the generate a tailored counter. The performance and area can hereby be optimezed for the given application

Pros and cons with different types of counter

  • LFSR
    • extremely low area usage
    • high performance
    • one cycle shorter count cycle compared to binary versions
    • typically used for interval timer and as adress generator for FIFO
  • Binary
    • The standard type, usefule for various types of implementation
  • Gray
    • The Gray type counter toggles only one bit per update
    • Implemented as a normal binary counter with an extra output stage converting the state to Gray encoding
    • Typical usage is adress generator for asynchroinous FIFOs

This module is written in Verilog and uses pre processor commands.