Generic APB Slave Stub for APB and APB3 Protocols

Generic APB Slave Stub for APB and APB3 Protocols


Category: Testing / Verification

Created: April 14, 2011

Updated: January 27, 2020

Language: Verilog

Other project properties

Development Status: Alpha

WishBone compliant: No

WishBone version: n/a

License: LGPL


Generic APB slave stub. Support both APB and APB3 protocols (APB3 is with pready and pslverr). Supports slave error, random and fixed wait-states. The design is built according to input parameters: address bits, protocol type, etc. The source files are written in RobustVerilog, a free RobustVerilog parser can be downloaded from http://www.provartec.comedatools