SMBUS Interface for System and Power Management

SMBUS Interface for System and Power Management


Category: Communication Controller

Created: May 09, 2003

Updated: January 27, 2020

Other project properties

Development Status: Planning

WishBone compliant: Yes

WishBone version: n/a

License: n/a


The System Management Bus (SMBus) is a two-wire interface through which simple system and power management related chips can communicate with the rest of a system. SMBus provides a control bus for system and power management related tasks. The SMBus is a multi-master bus, meaning that more than one device capable of controlling the bus can be connected to it. This core is based on the SMBus 2.0 specification, and utilizes its address resolution protocol using an 128-bit unique device identifier (UDID).


- SMBUS 2.0 Compliant
- 128-bit UDID
- Hardware packet error checking (PEC)
- Supports all SMBus ARP commands
- SMBus slave address is assignable
- Supports both SMBus Reset commands.
- SMBus arbiter allowing host/slave communication
- SMBus Clock synchronization/Clock Stretching
- WISHBONE B.3 SOC bus compatible


- Writing of initial specification is underway